Struct fftw3::plan::RawPlan [-]  [+] [src]

pub struct RawPlan {
    // some fields omitted

A thin wrapper around the internal FFTW plan type, that assists with creation and manages destruction.


impl RawPlan

fn new(f: || -> fftw_plan) -> Option<RawPlan>

Create a RawPlan from the output of f.

This executes f inside a lock since FFTW plan creation is not threadsafe.

unsafe fn new_unchecked(plan: fftw_plan) -> RawPlan

Create a RawPlan directly from an fftw_plan, with no synchronisation or checks. Prefer RawPlan::new where possible.

fn debug_print(&self)

Print information about the plan to stdout.

unsafe fn execute(&mut self)

Execute the plan on the data vectors provided while planning.

fn raw_plan(&self) -> fftw_plan

Obtain a copy of the internal FFTW plan.

Trait Implementations

impl Drop for RawPlan

fn drop(&mut self)