Struct simple_parallel::pool::Pool [] [src]

pub struct Pool {
    // some fields omitted

A thread pool.

This pool allows one to spawn several threads in one go, and then execute any number of "short-lifetime" jobs on those threads, without having to pay the thread spawning cost, or risk exhausting system resources.

The pool currently consists of some number of worker threads (dynamic, chosen at creation time) along with a single supervisor thread. The synchronisation overhead is currently very large.


Jobs submitted to this pool can have any lifetime at all, that is, the closures passed in (and elements of iterators used, etc.) can have borrows pointing into arbitrary stack frames, even stack frames that don't outlive the pool itself. This differs to something like scoped_threadpool, where the jobs must outlive the pool.

This extra flexibility is achieved with careful unsafe code, by exposing an API that is a generalised version of crossbeam Scope::spawn and the old std::thread::scoped: at the lowest-level a submitted job returns a JobHandle token that ensures that job is finished before any data the job might reference is invalidated (i.e. manages the lifetimes). Higher-level functions will usually wrap or otherwise hide the handle.

However, this comes at a cost: for easy of implementation Pool currently only exposes "batch" jobs like for_ and map and these jobs take control of the whole pool. That is, one cannot easily incrementally submit arbitrary closures to execute on this thread pool, which is functionality that threadpool::ScopedPool offers.


extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate simple_parallel;
use simple_parallel::Pool;

// a function that takes some arbitrary pool and uses the pool to
// manipulate data in its own stack frame.
fn do_work(pool: &mut Pool) {
    let mut v = [0; 8];
    // set each element, in parallel
    pool.for_(&mut v, |element| *element = 3);

    let w = [2, 0, 1, 5, 0, 3, 0, 3];

    // add the two arrays, in parallel
    let z: Vec<_> = crossbeam::scope(|scope| {, v.iter().zip(w.iter()), |(x, y)| *x + *y).collect()

    assert_eq!(z, &[5, 3, 4, 8, 3, 6, 3, 6]);

let mut pool = Pool::new(4);
do_work(&mut pool);


impl Pool

fn new(n_threads: usize) -> Pool

Create a new thread pool with n_threads worker threads.

fn for_<Iter: IntoIterator, F>(&mut self, iter: Iter, f: F) where Iter::Item: Send, Iter: Send, F: Fn(Iter::Item) + Sync

Execute f on each element of iter.

This panics if f panics, although the precise time and number of elements consumed after the element that panics is not specified.


use simple_parallel::Pool;

let mut pool = Pool::new(4);

let mut v = [0; 8];

// set each element, in parallel
pool.for_(&mut v, |element| *element = 3);

assert_eq!(v, [3; 8]);

fn unordered_map<'pool, 'a, I: IntoIterator, F, T>(&'pool mut self, scope: &Scope<'a>, iter: I, f: F) -> UnorderedParMap<'pool, 'a, T> where I: 'a + Send, I::Item: Send + 'a, F: 'a + Sync + Send + Fn(I::Item) -> T, T: Send + 'a

Execute f on each element in iter in parallel across the pool's threads, with unspecified yield order.

This behaves like map, but does not make efforts to ensure that the elements are returned in the order of iter, hence this is cheaper.

The iterator yields (uint, T) tuples, where the uint is the index of the element in the original iterator.


extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate simple_parallel;
use simple_parallel::Pool;

let mut pool = Pool::new(4);

// adjust each element in parallel, and iterate over them as
// they are generated (or as close to that as possible)
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
    for (index, output) in pool.unordered_map(scope, 0..8, |i| i + 10) {
        // each element is exactly 10 more than its original index
        assert_eq!(output, index as i32 + 10);

fn map<'pool, 'a, I: IntoIterator, F, T>(&'pool mut self, scope: &Scope<'a>, iter: I, f: F) -> ParMap<'pool, 'a, T> where I: 'a + Send, I::Item: Send + 'a, F: 'a + Send + Sync + Fn(I::Item) -> T, T: Send + 'a

Execute f on iter in parallel across the pool's threads, returning an iterator that yields the results in the order of the elements of iter to which they correspond.

This is a drop-in replacement for, that runs in parallel, and consumes iter as the pool's threads complete their previous tasks.

See unordered_map if the output order is unimportant.


extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate simple_parallel;
use simple_parallel::Pool;

let mut pool = Pool::new(4);

// create a vector by adjusting 0..8, in parallel
let elements: Vec<_> = crossbeam::scope(|scope| {, 0..8, |i| i + 10).collect()

assert_eq!(elements, &[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]);

impl Pool

Low-level/internal functionality.

unsafe fn execute<'pool, 'f, A, GenFn, WorkerFn, MainFn>(&'pool mut self, scope: &Scope<'f>, data: A, gen_fn: GenFn, main_fn: MainFn) -> JobHandle<'pool, 'f> where A: 'f + Send, GenFn: 'f + FnMut(&mut A) -> WorkerFn + Send, WorkerFn: 'f + FnMut(WorkerId) + Send, MainFn: 'f + FnOnce(A) + Send

Run a job on the thread pool.

gen_fn is called self.n_threads times to create the functions to execute on the worker threads. Each of these is immediately called exactly once on a worker thread (that is, they are semantically FnOnce), and main_fn is also called, on the supervisor thread. It is expected that the workers and main_fn will manage any internal coordination required to distribute chunks of work.

The job must take pains to ensure main_fn doesn't quit before the workers do.

Trait Implementations

impl Drop for Pool

fn drop(&mut self)